Day 1
- Introduction
- Machine learning vs. statistical approaches
- Types of learning: supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning
- Good practices in experimental design
- Introduction to Python, Keras, Pytorch.
- Some illustrative examples:
- Classification problem
- Clustering problem
- Modern approaches: Embeddings
- Ethics, privacy and governance considerations about AI deployments in industry
- Mini-workshop: how to prepare an elevator pitch
Day 2
- Introduction: Deep Learning
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Multilayered Perceptron
- Recurrent neural networks (RNN)
- Convolutional neural networks (CNN)
- Good practices and experiment design
Day 3
- Applications of Neural Networks
- Text processing and Sentiment analysis
- Anomaly detection
- Generative models
- Forecasting models
- Introduction: learning by reinforcement
- Q-learning
- Case study: Reinforcement learning in finance